Forgive Me Blogger
Forgive me Blogger for it has been 2+ years since I last wrote! I have broken every promise I have made when I started this writing and god bless Google for storing it in this dark dusty corner of the interweb dust cloud it maintains for me. I've reached out to a couple of people and no one wants to take this on. (I know my bestie Tara would but she is building her house by herself! so I'll wait for her break IF she takes one. T! if you have time to read this you have time to call me!! I've had to take the month off to recover from pnuemonia. My friend Christine died on Saturday, a long goodbye and I was ordered back to bed a few days before she died so it feels unfinished somehow. But hey! I just have to think of her and what she went through and I really don’t have anything to complain about, I am heartbroken and sad and relieved that she’s not suffering anymore. Mostly I am a coughing puking phleghm-y Peri menopausal, super highly irritated tired hot sweaty stinky P m...