Failure brings Success?
I tried to be off medication and treat this holistically but I failed. I fought being medicated for so long because the quitiapine made me feel so crappy I was reluctant to try anything else. My Dr. said it's my disease that is telling me I am a failure. My diagnosis has evolved from Bipolar 1 to Bipolar 2 to Mild Bipolar depression.
I fought and was dragged kicking and screaming to this point where I decided to try lithium. I thought all drugs were going to make me feel like I did on Seraquel. But I was limited in my choices due to trying to breast feed. Now it's only been a day and I am starting to feel an improvement in my mood and energy all ready. I had a good night sleep where I was able to fall asleep easily and my baby slept the whole night finally. 3 weeks almost it has taken this bottom tooth to show itself.
I had an awful night with her and I was not coping well. I can't tell you what happened but I have already come clean with my family and my Dr. and Caseworker. We got through the night once I decided I was going to let her sleep in the bed with me and I was going to lie there all night and agonize that I couldn't sleep. Babies are loud and they thrash around. If my husband does half this stuff in bed he gets a good elbow in the ribs. But you can't doo that to a 7 month old. I can't take chances anymore.
I fought and was dragged kicking and screaming to this point where I decided to try lithium. I thought all drugs were going to make me feel like I did on Seraquel. But I was limited in my choices due to trying to breast feed. Now it's only been a day and I am starting to feel an improvement in my mood and energy all ready. I had a good night sleep where I was able to fall asleep easily and my baby slept the whole night finally. 3 weeks almost it has taken this bottom tooth to show itself.
I had an awful night with her and I was not coping well. I can't tell you what happened but I have already come clean with my family and my Dr. and Caseworker. We got through the night once I decided I was going to let her sleep in the bed with me and I was going to lie there all night and agonize that I couldn't sleep. Babies are loud and they thrash around. If my husband does half this stuff in bed he gets a good elbow in the ribs. But you can't doo that to a 7 month old. I can't take chances anymore.