cant sleep
We have had one of the best weekends this summer. I am so in love with my baby and husband, I feel so lucky. It was a delicious summer day, quite harmonious. But I can't sleep for the second night in a row. I am worried. I have been upcycling and my meds are screwed up. I feel good though. Not super manic but good.
I really hate my medication, in fact I hate drugs period. I hate that the answer is more drugs. I want to go off and treat this holistically. Acupuncture, nutrition, excersize like yoga, running, walking, living a clean balanced life. Getting lots of sleep. It's really hot tonight and even being under the laptop is unbearable so I am going to sign off soon. It's too hot and the fan is too loud and I can't hear the baby breathing so I've gotten up twice to check on her. I have to get up in 4 or 5 hours so I need to go to sleep. I am excited about our plans. Take baby to swim lessons, at the nearby pool, get a few things done around the house, some phone calls, just enjoy another yummy summer day then my husband works the rest of the week.
That's comforting too that he is working and I can spend the days with Grammy and baby and our dog who is being fostered over there while we figure out the parenthood thing. We'll be able to pay some bills this month. Heard about a Bi Polar memoir "Welcome to the Jungle"
by Hilary Smith. I am going to order it.
I really hate my medication, in fact I hate drugs period. I hate that the answer is more drugs. I want to go off and treat this holistically. Acupuncture, nutrition, excersize like yoga, running, walking, living a clean balanced life. Getting lots of sleep. It's really hot tonight and even being under the laptop is unbearable so I am going to sign off soon. It's too hot and the fan is too loud and I can't hear the baby breathing so I've gotten up twice to check on her. I have to get up in 4 or 5 hours so I need to go to sleep. I am excited about our plans. Take baby to swim lessons, at the nearby pool, get a few things done around the house, some phone calls, just enjoy another yummy summer day then my husband works the rest of the week.
That's comforting too that he is working and I can spend the days with Grammy and baby and our dog who is being fostered over there while we figure out the parenthood thing. We'll be able to pay some bills this month. Heard about a Bi Polar memoir "Welcome to the Jungle"