
I was born in the late 60's in the Hospital where they filmed Marcus Welby.
The Tate murders happened nearby where I lived. It was Bel Air but waaaaaay before it was that tony gated community like Pacific Palisades and the like. LA's neighbourhoods are mostly gated.

1971 We moved to Brazil, Rio De Janeiro
1974 My parents separated and My Mom took me and my brother to Van Nuys
1976 My Mom remarried and I moved with her to Canada
1978 My Father Died. I got myself sent to boarding school

In Sept 2008 I lost my Mother to a horrible cancerous death
In January 2009 I was fired from my Day Job
In July 2009 I became what I had always wanted to be. Pregnant! At 41.
In March 2010 I then became a Mom.
In April 2010 it all fell apart. I fell apart.


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