Welcome to another Girl Fabulous Blog!

The idea came to me last night as I was trying to sleep.


I have been at times. Logging countless hours in front of the TV on the couch. Sometimes good things come of it sometimes not. Sometimes a joe job at Starbucks gets me out of a "Blue Funk" off the couch and out in the world of the living.

For me the solution has been to exercise, work, writing, talking about it. Sometimes writing about it as if it is happening to another person helps me purge the negative feelings. But Now I am BiPolar. 1 or 2 is still under discussion but according to my team of caregivers ( And that's what it's becoming, a team ) say that I will be medicated for the rest of my life to manage this. I hate that.

I use to always try to find a creative way off the couch. I hope not to whine and I hope that you dear reader will find solace or inspiration. Just think off all the great art and writing and movies we wouldn't have if the artist went on antidepressants? I am talking way back before there were drugs. But now I have to somehow create while under the influence.

Sure some people are definitely helped by medications. Some people with Bipolar disorder would be dead without them. I am against certain ones because my Mother being on a drug called Nardil or Phenelzine for over 20 years. It turned her into a zombie. I am struggling with this. More on that in future postings.

Stay tuned....

All the best to you thanks for reading.


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