Gone to the Dogs

I've gone to the Dogs
We had a baby. A Fur Baby. The cure for too much couch is definitely a dog.
I had been on the couch since January due to unemployment.
(Thirty - Five Thousand people in BC lost their jobs in January '09! )
Previously we had dog sat for a friend and fell in love with the idea of having one. Our girl is a bit more athletic than we bargained for but we were up for it. Today I roller bladed with her around the park, we were going so fast and she ran flat out. I am exhausted! Happily so. Sometimes she looks like she is smiling and that makes me smile. Everyday we have comical moments like when she attacked a pizza crust on the sidewalk and I laugh about them again and again.
She has saved me. I also lost my mother to cancer last fall and though I still grieve my dog has kept me with both feet in this world. I am out every day and there have been experiences of pure joy that I haven't had in ages. Life's current frustrations, somehow I can bear it, without over eating, shopping or gorging on bad TV which were my usual coping mechanisms.
I promise you will get off the couch and back in touch with nature, live in the moment, get out of your head. Get back in shape, meet new people, meet new dogs, become a leader. You will let go of material things, you will love and be loved.
Thanks to the Kind folks at the Sechelt SPCA for giving us our girl! Found this article last weekend that confirmed everything, so far we are ten for ten.
SPCA - Sechelt BC
SPCA Biscuit Fund
We looked at a lot of dogs at the Vancouver Animal Shelter, they were really great with us and the Dogs.
VAS Vancouver Animal Shelter.